Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No More Diapers: Day 1

Cubby is very excited  about his potty, his new underwear, and the prospect of getting M&Ms. I hope he stays excited and does not get frustrated.

Cubby sat on the potty, while Buckaroo "read" him a book. While making breakfast, I heard excitement and to my surprise Cubby had gone pee! Buckaroo and I danced and high fived Cubby. Cubby jumped up and down, then demanded his reward. I gave him a handful of mini M&Ms. He quickly gave them back and told me "NO! I want big M&Ms." With that I told him that was all there was. As you can guess, he accepted the minis.

After breakfast I had to get Buckaroo off to preschool. Outlaw maintained the peace while I dropped Buckaroo off at preschool.

Once I got back it was time to sit on the potty again. Cubby ran to his potty to try to go. I wanted to keep the excitement going, so I remembered how much Buckaroo loved the "Wee Minder Gang". I found the DVD and put it on for Cubby. Cubby was bouncing on his potty, enjoying the songs and story.  After 45 minutes or so, he finally went pee. I rewarded him with a few less M&Ms than the first time, he didn't seem to notice. He was very proud of himself and started clapping. Rose joined in.

Our plan was for him to be naked from the waist down, his plan was to wear his big boy underwear. Of course he won that one. He doesn't like being naked. How is it I didn't know this before now?

Playtime! Rose, Cubby and I played for awhile. I made the mistake of asking Cubby if he had to use the potty. He said "No". I tried to encourage him to sit on it. I didn't want to have to force him to sit. I bribed him with chocolate milk. He wouldn't sit on the potty until the chocolate milk was in his hands. As I was in the kitchen making it he stood next to me. Suddenly he starts whining and crying. I looked down to see a puddle beneath him. He found out he does NOT like to have accidents. Off to the potty.

Cubby sat on the potty for awhile. He pooped without even realizing it! We all did a little victory dance, complete with high fives and M&Ms. Nap time!

I needed a break, he needed a nap. Outlaw and I decided it would be best for him to be in Pull Ups during nap time and at night. I put on the Pull Up. Cubby seemed okay with that. He slept for 3 hours.

Once Cubby woke up he sat on the potty while I made lunch. During lunch he had a little accident. Off to the potty I took him. After a few minuets he peed on the potty. I took him to the place where he left a puddle and  gave him a few paper towels. He cleaned up his accident, than ran upstairs to wash his hands. I talked to him about the "urge" and told him he needed to run to the potty or tell me, that way there were no more accidents for him to clean up.

Cubby sat on the potty lots today, he didn't always go. Every accident he cleaned up. We ended the night with the "Wee Minder Gang". After he was asleep it was a relief.

Time to relax!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Embarking on the Journey to No More Diapers: Potty Training Begins

Cubby is now 32 months old. We have been talking about potty training him for awhile. We have just postponed (procrastinated?) until now. I have 4 days off in a row, so what better time than now to start?

For the last week or so, I have talked to Cubby about saying adios to diapers. He was excited at the idea of becoming a "Big Boy". Tonight we watched the "Potty Training Success" DVD by Pull Ups. Cubby pulled up his potty and sat on it for a few minutes, then lost interest in the DVD. Cubby did not use the potty. Tomorrow is the starting point.

We are planning on having him out of diapers within 3 days. He will be in Pull Ups at nap time and bedtime.  Wish us luck! Cubby is very headstrong, we will need lots of prayers and luck, oh and LOTS and LOTS of patience.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Silly Kids

This Wild Bunch is rambunctious!
The boys are loving having a yard and playing in it!

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A New Home

The kids and I are working on getting settled here in our new town. We miss Outlaw very much, but I find comfort in knowing this is a very temporary situation.
I started work a few days ago. All is well there. I am meeting new people everyday. Everybody has been so kind and welcoming. I have never had so many strangers genuinely kind. In the past people seemed fake, here it just seems genuine. I like it here. Now to have Outlaw here and buy a house, then life will be perfect.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Wild Bunch is about to embark on a journey

We have decided to move to the Midwest.

Many people have asked "Why would you leave the gorgeous SoCal weather for snow and hot humid summers?" The answer I usually give is "To have the life we want".

Family is very important to me. I want my kids to have a great childhood. I want for Outlaw and I to be able to spend more time with the kids and less time working. To achieve this goal we either need to win the lottery or move to a more affordable area. "Hello snow and hot, humid summers!"

The plan is for Outlaw to stay here and tie up loose ends. I will be driving with 3 under the age of 5. Wish me luck! Pray for my sanity! I will be updating this blog throughout our journey.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Rose

Today we welcomed our daughter into the world.
She is 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 inches long. She is beautiful!
I was worried she would be bald like big brother Cubby, thankfully she has a full head of dark hair.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rain on our camping trip

We had planned to go camping for 4 days. The universe had other plans. Better plans?

Adam's co-worker was infected with staph infection and couldn't work. Adam, being store manager had to step up to the plate and cover the shifts. Thankfully he didn't have to cover all of her shifts. He ended up having 4 days off instead of 5. Oh well. Today was a great start for our vacation.

Buckaroo was VERY excited to see "Toy Story 3" , or as he calls it "Buzz Lightyear 3". I have been waiting to see this since I heard Pixar was making it. We got our tickets and went to the theater.

The previews seemed to last forever and Cubby wasn't too interested in being quiet. Adam decided to get some popcorn to keep the kids quiet. Thankfully it worked. For awhile. Buckaroo was scared because the sound was loud. Once he saw Buzz Lightyear on the screen, he was happy and enjoying popcorn. Cubby was tired and couldn't sleep with all the noise. I left the theater and walked around for a few minuets. He was asleep, but not for long. Cubby and I missed some of the movie. He finally fell asleep towards the end.

As I expected Toy Story 3 made me cry, along with the rest of the audience. 

After the movie we went to Fry's Electronics. The boys love this store. Hours later we returned home with 2 very sleepy toddlers.